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Leprechaun wants to become more human, wants to connect to the humans and humanlike things. The Leprechauns threw him out of their club because he behaved more like a human than a leprechaun. Green Irish man with a pot of gold that he keeps. People try to catch the leprechaun. If you catch him you get the pot of gold. You have to look for the pot of gold. You can find it at the end of a rainbow. Spirit should have moved on to the next plain, but he did not and got lost. To create the feeling that he was still connected with life and our planet, the spirit began to collect things to give hem a sense of belonging/part of the world/being alive.


Once upon a tale there was a spirit Bases on 3 individuals A little girl called Julia who lost something that was dear to her Rag with tag that is really soft and feels like silk Spirit (Spiritual entity) is in charge of things that are lost Mine is a greedy spirit who never gets enough and he never returns it. You have 24 hours to look for your lost thing, otherwise Mine keeps it. He sends his little slaves . It has been 24 hours, bring it to me. After all his stuff he has now, he is still not satisfied. He still collects things because he tries to find something that makes him feel good. Mine finds the rag and it becomes his special thing. Soft, puts it on his face Finaly I found something that makes me feel good. After a couple of weeks he goes back to collecting other stuff. Yours decides to take the rag back because Julia is still crying and cannot sleep without her rag. Yours is feeling quilty. Yours explains to the little girl that you should always ret



by Curtis Darby and Bianca van Berkel




CHIPPIE AT HOME “Come with me to a special place which is very seldom seen. When the lights are dim in most of the houses and silence is the state of been. When the closet door closes and the lock shuts tight and the light seeps in from the wooden doors. That’s when life begins in Buttonrow city. Mothers love their daughters and fathers love their wives and brothers fight each other just like in our own lives. And if you’re very quiet and you tiptoe on your feet, I’ll take you to this magic land where fairies live and elves that dance and leprechauns hide their gold. Where unicorns still run wild and free and pixies live in trees. And all the fairytales you are told they crash against the see. And now this tail I’ll share with thee.” In every closet in every home and when the lights go out, there is a magical world of buttons. This story starts in one of these closets and is focused on a loving button family, called Buttoncoat. One day Brandy Buttoncoat comes in the house and she looks sad. She calls for Jaimy Chippie Buttoncoat, her 8-year-old son. Chippie has a scar on his face and forehead from an accident and a chip on his button that’s why everybody calls him Chippie. But when his mother calls him by his full name, Jaimy Chippie Buttoncoat, Chippie knows there must be something very serious that his mother wants to say. Chippie thinks to himself: Did I forget to brush my teeth? No, I just did that. Did I not pee before I went to bed? No, everything is still dry. I made sure this time I peed. Or did I forget to fold up my clothes? No, my clothes are folded. I cannot think of anything I didn’t do. So he runs towards his mother. He can see in her face that there is something wrong. And his mother says: I have bad news for you, my love. I have to tell you something. Sometimes buttons fall off and get lost and your father has fallen off and is lost also. Chippie starts to cry and asks his mother: How? How did my father fall off? Who is going to find him? His mother says: No one can help us Chippie. No one can help us. And she starts crying just like Chippie and lays on her bed till she cries herself to sleep. Late in the evening Chippie decides: If no one can find my father, I’m going to find him myself. He quietly sneaks down the stairs to the kitchen. He makes some peanutbutter and jelly sandwiches, grabs an apple and he fills up his canteen with water and puts everything in his backpack. He puts a note on the kitchentable. In the note he writes: Dear Mom, I’m off to find Dad. I know it will make you really sad and I don’t want you to cry. Don’t worry about me, I have on clean socks. Your son Jaimy Chippie Buttoncoat. He goes out the backdoor and begins his journey to search for his father. With a flash he remembers what his parents told him how he should behave in the city when he is by himself. “Don’t talk to strangers”, they said, and “Don’t get in any car that is not familiar” and also “Don’t be a follower”, “Think for yourself and trust your feelings”. When Chippie walks out of the door, it slams. He knows there is no returning, if he wants to find his father. He takes his flashlight out of his backpack and goes through his checklist to make sure he has everything he needs for his journey. Peanutbuttersandwiches? Check. Two pair of socks? Check. Underwear? Check. Water? Check. Apple? Check. Extra batteries? Check. Lucky rock for evil spirits? Check. Map? Check. Compass? Check. four Tootsty rolls, my favorite candies? Check. Snickers? Check. OK, I’m ready to go. And he walks off into the night.


By Curtis Darby & Bianca van Berkel



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